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Audience Score – 915 Vote;
directed by – Malgorzata Szumowska;
Country – Ireland;
rating – 5,7 / 10.
This is a film that very accurately tackles the subject of patriarchy, male domination, sexism. We have a problem with patriarchy even today as evidenced by these negative ratings and the anger of men giving the hate comments to this film. A beautiful movie and very needed. Do not listen to this hate, watch it, you will not be disappointed.
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I really don’t understand why this movie has such a low rating. I really enjoyed it. It reminds me a little of “The Village” movie. It also reminds me a little of von Trier’s work. It’s really a piece of solid, dark cinema with controversial themes. Maybe this controversion is the reason why some people don’t like this movie.
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Interesting soundtrack. fart is my favourite wind instrument.
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This is another way for another depressed person to get these bad ideas to do this pica. Very sad that Hollywood put this out there. So sad 💔.
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He is soooo good looking? How bad are the beatings? Lol. I’m considering joining his cult.
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Another pretentious film.
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Anyone else find this movie by accident of the word Swallow? Lmfao.
Midsommar + Portrait of a Lady on Fire.
This gives me anxiety 👀.
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I clicked cause i thought she was jennifer lawrence.
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A visually stunning movie that explores themes of patriarchy and religion. I highly recommend. I don’t umderstand how you can give this movie a 1/10 rating.
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Harry Potter, is that you. 😂.

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People should take this seriously, it just seems like shes swallowing things to cope with her pain… just like alcohol, drugs, working out to much etc… anyways its nice to see a movie that isnt a sequel and can somewhat inform or make people want to expand their knowledge in mental health.

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So this is basically a remake of Beauty and the Beast.
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This seems like a really painful way to hurt yourself. This makes drug addiction and alcoholism look like childs play.
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Published by: Nu Dewex
Bio: Helloo Coooooy


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